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Monday, May 08, 2006

To call this last Friday bizarre would be charitable. Starting Friday night, I went to the UC Long Beach Hillel for shabbat dinner. It was hosted on campus as opposed to the usual, at his home, but a good time was had by all, and there were a few new faces.

This particular evening, a Polish student that happens to be living at the Rabbi's home, was running towards his 3 year old son, and I saw as the student had his feet slip out from under him while sliding towards the child. When his heels made about a 45 degree angle with the tile, the student athletically picked up the rabbi's son, and cradled him on his chest. It appeared that the child had been well protected, but I found out later that his shin had been broken completely in two places, and that he needed a splint, due to swelling issues. At the time, I was unaware of the severity of the situation.

I decided to play chaperone to some of the students, for a cinco de mayo house party. At one point in time, one of the girls was hitting on me, and I told her to run off. She asked me to show her "what I've got." I told her if I did that, I'd break her in half. This only got her pursuing harder, of course, but eventually she ended up hooking up with her friend Ben, which made me happy. Now to make a long story short, I've never seen anyone vomit due to alchohol, my friends know how to take care of themselves. That night, I saw three people vomiting simultaneously. One in the bathroom (the girl who was hitting on me), one in the kitchen, and one in the living room with a trashcan. The guy in the living room was a seikh, and so bad off that he had white spit. Fortunately, someone had the realization that he needed the paramedics. The girl who hit on me was dry heaving more or less, and I ended up carrying her to her dorm, accompanied by her friends. She needed to be fed water, but I think things turned out well at the end. Still, this bizarro behavior is why I'm glad I'm not in college anymore.

On Saturday, I took a class from Chicho Frumboli, and danced at El Encuentro until 3 AM, prior to a drive back to the OC. Chicho hasn't been in the US for about 4 years, and is one of the biggest names in tango. He happens to live in Paris, and whenever he shows up anywhere, with a week's notice, he can pack in the crowds. Now that was a good time.