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Sunday, October 02, 2005

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Flying Spaghetti Monster but if you haven't seen it, you're missing out on something life changing. Would I lie to you?

Anyway, here's a recap of last week: Wendsday, I went to Cohibas in Long Beach, where they have the best salsa dancing in Orange County (and perhaps LA) on a week day. It has a large dance floor that gets packed but is still danceable, a room with pool tables, and a hip hop room. I took the 8:30 pm class, and followed by dancing of course. It was a friend of a friend's birthday, so I was invited to try out some of her cake. Mocha buttercream frosting blows my mind, I gotta make it sometime myself.

On Friday, I went to Chabad of Irvine, and had dinner at the vice chair's house (this might've been the 3rd time I've been over). That particular chapter of Chabad has its own building which is new, and they just finished decorating, it looks great. I'll be there on Monday and Tuesday evening around 6:30 for Rosh Hashana services. There's a saying which Rabbi Goodman of Neve Shalom, St. Louis says: "The king is in the fields." During high holy days, I feel that the godly aspects are more readily accessible, and spirituality can be somewhat pervasive in my life.

After that, Hassan, Sara, Carlos, and I went to see Serenity. It's the only TV show in recent times that I know of which became a movie. There are a lot of 70s remakes and such, but this film was in response to the cult status of the show Firefly, which only lasted one season.

On Saturday, I prepared for the evening by going shopping for the first time in a while. I visited South Coast Plaza, and was impressed. It's pretty high end compared to what I'm used to, and it was a good time. Later on, I went to an all night milonga at El Encuentro, and got home around 5 in the morning. Fortunately for me, I had the foresight to bring a soda with me, and the caffeine kept me going. I so rarely indulge in anything caffeinated more than chocolate or tea, so coffee and soda tend to be like a shot of adrenaline.

On Sunday, it was the weekly practica, which may need to get moved to another time to be more convenient. After that, I checked out Urban Outfitters. I've been looking for a good (yet cheap) chalk strip blazer, and a nice pin strip fedora hat. I was told to go to shops in Huntington Beach: taxi taxi, catwalk, electric chair, and perhaps good will. Thrift shopping is a fun way to find interesting stuff, although it's nice to splurge on clothes occasionally. After Urban outfitters, I went to Londance for more tango.