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Friday, November 11, 2005

First off, I wanted to let everyone know that I've changed work within my company. I've been working in Anaheim, in the same group that my roomate works for. Not only is it closer to home, I can carpool easily now. Additionally, I'm doing real design work on a project, in which I am currently only the 2nd person hired on, in order to do test of a bit of hardware. Eventually there will be up to 20 people, and I'm on the ground floor for a project that will go through the entire development cycle (requirements, design, implementation, test) within a couple of years, if not sooner.

I noticed with my company, the emphasis on LSI (lead systems integrator) and the problem that presents for new hires, especially in SoCal. The problem is that in order to be able to lead other companies (subcontractors) to do work that you can integrate into a larger picture, one must understand the how the engineering development cycle works, and that requires experience. In other parts of the company, it's not so bad, but trying to get someone fresh out of college into systems integration without having designed and implemented a system professionally is a bad idea, and could hurt long term. I was thinking it would be something interesting to write an article about.

Well, this weekend I've got another tango practica on Sunday, and I might go dancing tonight after services. I'm also hosting a dinner party on Saturday, where I'll be making salmon with a pomegranite glaze, persian rice, sweet bell pepper soup, sauteed veggies, a chocolate cake with ganache filling, chocolate mousse, and perhaps some ice cream (saffron, orange blossom, and coffee with chocolate syrup and Bailey's). If you couldn't tell, I have a major sweet tooth. All and all, it seems like a good weekend is on the horizon.

Next week I am looking forward to the Los Angeles tango festival which should prove interesting, albeit expensive ($400 for the entire weekend, yuck). Well, that's it for now, off I go.