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Thursday, January 19, 2006

FYI: I have enabled comment posting for you random plebians who refuse to get a blogger account, so post away if the feeling moves you! Oh and I'll be going to the all night milonga at Cal Tech this Friday, and the Carlos Yannacanedo workshop on Saturday.

Tera visited last week, here's a quick synopsis, stolen from her blog, with embellishments from me:

Weds: An african gentleman named Majtuba, who Tera met on her flight to OC, took us out for Indian food (at a place called Sadaat I think) which was really filling. We then went to Laguna Beach and walked around. Made chicken enchiladas for dinner.

Thurs: Went to disneyland! Later that night we had Sushi at Daimon after getting lost and being in the car for over an hr trying to find the place. Once we fianally got there all was well and dinner was yummy. Walked on huntington beach for a bit.

Fri: Went to an arboretum in Cal State at Fullerton and then California Adventure land. We then got semi lost again looking for Bistango, a really nice restaurant in Irvine. Mapquest sucks.

Sat: Went to Venice beach and had lunch with Ryan, a friend of a friend of Tera's back in St. Louis. We spent the day with him which was interesting. After seeing the Venice beach, we went to 3rd street promenade.

For dinner we went to a place called Chocolat. We then went across the street to Hollywood Improv off Melrose and saw Gary Goldman, amongst others. We were going to go dancing but we got lost yet again. Mapquest directions said to go east on the first street, but we forgot the point of origin was from the improv, and wasted 15 minutes, also the show ended late. We ended up just going back home.

Sunday: We chilled, went to In and Out burger, since Tera needed that checked off on her list of Cali stuff to do. Afterwards, we attempted to go to the star walk, but ran out of time due to traffic and went to LAX instead.