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Monday, January 02, 2006

I shared a taxi with my friends from Luna Llena, to get to the Glorietta.

There, I met up with Leo at the Glorieta, and danced my butt off at the pavillion.

Unfortunately, the marble surface is a bit slick, fortunately I used my tennis shoes. I saw some of my same friends:

To my surprise, I saw Pablo Rojas, a fairly well known LA tango teacher who recently moved down to BA to pursue his acting career:

Near the end, a big group of us, including four swedes, headed a couple blocks over to China town, for dinner.

We had a vivacious dinner:

Afterwards, we headed over to La Viruta. One of the things I decided near the end of my trip is to just stick to whatever I am going to learn the most from, so I have chosen to not visit the milongas where I won't be getting dances as easily, and where there are people I can learn from.

I realized that I've been taking it a bit easy class wise. Because of the fact that I've taken a private class roughly every other day of my trip, I haven't taken too many group classes. I feel like avoiding getting overloaded, although sometimes that's a gateway to getting amazing progress.

Today I've got my final private lesson with Gabriel. Hopefully we can wrap up all the fundamental concepts in his system and start playing with tricks. I realize that when I get home, I will have months of stuff to practice, and I can easily discover my own moves or figure out moves I've seen.

Tommorow, it's time to pickup my altered pants, and time to go shopping for leather jackets in Murillo. Today I'm hosting a party, with some dancing, and cake from my favorite confiteria. With everything wrapping up, I feel like looking back to see how I could have made this trip ideal. I think that getting to know the people and establishing myself has been good, although I could have stood to take more group classes; then again, who knows, if I did that I might have felt different.


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