Eric's life... now 1000% more stalkable!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Wendsday, I danced at Villa Malcolm where I acted as interpreter for Gabi's group class. Following it was a practica, shown below.

Afterwards I went to La Viruta, where I saw Samantha, and a couple of friends:

This picture below is probably going to be the one I use for my ad which Vlad is going to make:
One thing I noticed, and it happens fairly frequently for me, is that I discover new patterns of movement or new tricks, fairly randomly. My whole point in taking tons of private lessons is to be able to dance fundamentally well, so that I will be able to discover things on my own. I think that's one of the points of tango, that our mistakes become discoveries, and that if we're present, we can discover new things constantly. In so many ways, the dance mirrors life. If we aren't fundamentally sound (to be 94 for example, look it up on google) then nothing works, if we have a strong base, everything is possible.


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