Eric's life... now 1000% more stalkable!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Well, I arrived in Buenos Aires at 11 AM, and I'm writing this 30 hours later. I've got a practice with Andres Amarilla in about an hour and a quarter. Now for a recounting from the beggining.

On my flight out of Houston, which was 11 hours, I had about 1 hour of sleep. Unfortunately, I don't sleep super easy in tiny chairs with too much light near a bathroom.

So, I Arrive, and I go through greater Buenos Aires, which looks a little bit slummy and reminded me of Mexico city. About 20 miles in, I was staying at my amazing place in Pallermo Hollywood. I'll hook you guys up with pictures when I get time. The first set of things I needed to do were to determine which milongas to attend, figure out which teachers are in town, do some clothing shopping, and figure out which shoe stores I want to visit.

Everything here is so darn cheap with the 3:1 ratio of pesos to dollars. I had lunch with fish, salad, and white wine, for 6 bucks.

Friday night was amazing, at chabad O'Higgins 2358. definately rocks. The shul was very nice, and I got to have dinner at the Rabbi's house, with about 30 people in attendence. The rabbi's oldest son, Schmuel, just got married last Monday, and it was pretty nice little party.

That night, I visited Villa Malcolm, which has a great practica, and that night, it had 2 sets of performances. As an added bonus, I saw Cory from Kansas City, Isaac from Colorado, and Jennifer from New York; I know all of them from US tango, it was a trip to see them.

Afterwards I went to La Viruta, the young person's milonga, around 3:30 AM, and left around 5 AM. I notice as I write this that I'm very matter of fact, but hopefully the pictures that I send will be more descriptive. I'm trying to hurry this entry up so that I can go to this lesson tonight. La Viruta has a lot of good dancers, and the rare bonus of air conditioning.

To say that my first day in Buenos Aires was insane was an understatement.

Insanely cool.


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