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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Here's to more post procrastination. This'll have to be a quickie, considering the use of my lunch break.

Last weekend I went to the St. Louis tango festival, which was amazing. It was clearly the best festival St. Louis has ever seen, although it's now clear that St. Louis doesn't have the grass roots to provide the good dancers for such events regularly. About 90% of the people were from out of town. One of my tango friends from Iowa, Christopher, told me that due to the fact that the main professional teacher in St. Louis "eats off of her students" that there is a possible conflict of interest between having a vibrant scene and commercial success. He mentioned the idea that if things got too big, different opportunities for other teachers would be possible, and that could provide excess competition.

On the bright side, Brigitta Winkler, one of the best teachers I have ever met, happens to visit friends in Orange County occasionally, and I might be able to get her to do a workshop. Additionally, it's possible Tomas Howlin (who she teaches and dances with regularly) may be available as well. The greater LA area needs more people like them, they have a superior understanding of the fundamentals, as opposed to all of that showy crap. Here's a picture:

Robin Thomas from New York also taught, and I enjoyed the technique ideas he expressed. Also, Somer and Agape from Chicago performed a couple of dances on Saturday night which were exquisite. I might talk in more detail about the classwork, and performances, at a later date. Also, I have a bunch of good video that I might be able to share later.

The other highlight was my stay at Tera's house, and visiting friends. Tera and I have been getting along very well, and I feel like I've been learning a lot with her. On Saturday night, I had Thai with her and two other gals, and we had a blast. I also was visited by a couple of people at the milongas so that I could chat and still do the tango thing, and I knew tons of people at the tango functions from around the country, as well as from St. Louis. My weekend was definately packed to the gills.

Oh, speaking of music, I got got my 60GB Ipod yesturday, and thus far I am pretty impressed. I'm worried it's going to scratch, so I'll probably end up buying a 3rd party case for it.


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