Eric's life... now 1000% more stalkable!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last weekend, I was participating in a music video, so check out my other blog for an account of it. I've recently been mulling over a few different ideas, which I figured I'd share since I'm putting all of my tango content in the other blog. First of all, I have been wondering if the ability to love is like a muscle. In other words, can we train it, make it stronger, and more easy to use?

Another concept which I thought about is how would I make myself act, if I was another person watching my life? Often times we get so caught up in our own reality that we can't take a step back and objectively make decisions. What would it be like if you could know someone as well as you know yourself, and be able to objectively dictate exactly what it is that they should do? There would be no emotional attachments to outcomes, no pain of the past, nor trepidation of the future. Additionally, the stimulus of the present or desire of stimulus would be secondary to the big picture.


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